Hi There

My name is Ajmal Kurnia

I am a[n]:

  • AI Engineer

  • Backend Developer

  • Frontend Dev

  • Highlight

  • Night Theme Toggle


AI Engineer Experiences

Previous Position

  • NLP Research and Engineer, Bahasa Kita (2021-2023)
  • Data Science, MAPAN (2019-2020)


  • As author 1: 2020, Statistical Machine Translation Approach for Lexical Normalization on Indonesian Text Link
  • Other: 2021, Normalisation of Indonesian-English Code-Mixed Text and its Effect on Emotion Classification Link

Personal Projects

Mostly Used Tech. Stack

  • Python
  • Deep learning: Pytorch, Tensorflow, HuggingFace
  • Machine learning: scikit-learn
  • Plotting: seaborn, matplotlab
  • Other: numpy, scipy, pandas, spyder

Backend Developer Experiences

Previous Position

  • Senior Backend Developer, Clapping Ape (2019)
  • Backend Developer, Clapping Ape (2018-2019)

Personal Projects

Mostly Used Tech. Stack

  • Python & Ruby
  • Framework: Flask & Ruby on Rails
  • DB: PostgreSQL & Redis

More Information


  • Master Degree, Universitas Indonesia (2018-2021)
  • Bachelor Degree, Institut Pertanian Bogor (2013-2017)


  • Machine Learning Specialization, Coursera
  • Deep Learning Specialization Courses, Coursera